Wizardess Heart Wikia

Spells Compendium is an article page to list all spells mentioned in-game.

See Magical Theory for explanation of what is incantation, charms, spellsinging, onmyo-jutsu, etc.

Incantation Spells

The following list was classified from A to Z with their names/short version.

Acies Knox[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Makes a blade of blue light.
Etymology: 'Acies', from Latin, meaning 'sharp edge' or 'point'.[1] 'Knox' ?

Acies Ventos[]

Full Incantation: "O great wind, become a blade! 'Acies Ventos'!"
Description: ?
Etymology: 'Acies', from Latin, meaning 'sharp edge' or 'point'.[1] 'Ventos', from Latin 'ventus', meaning 'wind'.[2]


Full Incantation: ?
Description: A light-spell used to manipulate the growth of plants.[3]
Etymology: 'Adolescere', from Latin 'adolesco', meaning 'I grow' or 'I mature'.[4]


Full Incantation: ?
Description: Summons object/s of choice.[5]
Etymology: 'Aperio', from Latin, meaning literally 'to uncover' or figuratively 'to make visible'.[6]

Aperio Porta[]

Full Incantation: "Door before me, I command thee to open! 'Aperio Porta'!"
Description: Opens a door.[7]
Etymology: 'Aperio', from Latin, meaning literally 'to uncover' or figuratively 'to make visible'.[6] 'Portal', from Latin 'porta', meaning 'door'.[8]

Apareo Speculum[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Summons a large mirror.
Etymology: 'Apareo', from Latin 'appareo', meaning 'I appear'.[9] 'Speculum', from Latin, meaning 'mirror'.[10]

Apareo Spheralloon[]

Full Incantation: "Come forth, o aurora light. 'Apareo Spheralloon'!"
Description: A glistening, rainbow coloured veil of light appears from the end of the caster's wand.
Etymology: 'Apareo', from Latin 'appareo', meaning 'I appear'.[9] 'Spheralloon' ?

Apareo Umbra[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Used to summon umbras, a type of humanoid shadows. Their actions and personalities vary depending on what the caster chooses. [11]
Etymology: 'Apareo', from Latin 'appareo', meaning 'I appear'.[9] 'Umbra', from Latin, meaning 'shadow' or 'ghost'.[12]


Full Incantation: "O water, hallowed source of life, converge before me! Aqua!"
Description: Summons water.[13]
Etymology: 'Aqua', from Latin, meaning 'water'.[14]

Ateputos est Iri[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Removes a magical seal/circle.[15]
Etymology: ?

Calidos Undah[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Fills something with hot water.[16]
Etymology: 'Calidos', from Latin 'calidus', meaning 'warm'.[17] 'Undah', from Latin 'unda', meaning 'wave'.[18]

(_) Clesko[]

Full Incantation: "O ____, I command you to grow! '____ Clesko'!"
Description: Causes an item to grow in size.[19]
Etymology: Unknown.

Confinium Omnis Lumen[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: This spell is used to capture a picture or image into a crystal or something similar. Liz combines it with another spell so that she can capture light in an object, like her ribbons when it got too dark to see properly.[20]
Etymology: 'Confinium', from Latin, meaning 'confine'.[21] 'Omnis', from Latin, meaning 'every' or 'all'.[22] 'Lumen', from Latin, meaning 'light'.[23]

Conquirio Nodus[]

Full Incantation: "O power that resides within me, affix this light to that ___(object)! 'Conquirio Nodus'!
Description: It is used to affix light to an object.
Etymology: 'Conquirio' Unknown. 'Nodus', from Latin, meaning 'knot'.[24]

Copia Malum[]

Full Incantation: "With the power residing in my hands, make one into two. 'Copia Malum'!"
Description: Duplicates an inorganic object.[25]
Etymology: 'Copia', from Latin, meaning 'supply' or 'plenty'.[26] 'Malum', from Latin, meaning 'evil'.[27]

Dominus de Roko[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Removes a magical seal/circle.[15]
Etymology: 'Dominus' from Latin, meaning 'master' or 'owner'.[28] 'de' Unknown. 'Roko' Unknown.

Dexteri Danje Veritatem[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Allows the caster to examine a magical seal/circle in depth by sticking their hand inside of it without harm befalling them.[15]
Etymology: 'Dexteri' Unknown. 'Danje' Unknown. 'Veritatem', from Latin 'veritas', meaning 'truth'.[29]


Full Incantation: ?
Description: Summons items from a Courteous Box.[30]
Etymology: 'Electio', from Latin, meaning 'choice' or 'selection'.[31]

Epistula Uorae[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Streams of light appear and get drawn to the object. Used to send magic notes.
Etymology: 'Epistula', from Latin 'epistola', meaning 'a letter'.[32] 'Uorae' Unknown.

Epistura Ventos[]

Full Incantation:
Description: Creates a faintly shimmering green breeze that will carry letters.[33]
Etymology: 'Epistura' Unknown. Alternatively, 'Epistola', from Latin, means 'a letter'.[32] 'Ventos', from Latin 'ventus', meaning 'wind'.[2]

(_) Expositionis[]

Full Incantation: "O ___, show me your true form! '___ Expositionis'!"
Description: Reveals an object's true form.[15]
Etymology: 'Expositionis', from Latin 'expositio', from 'expositus', from 'expono', meaning 'I expose'.[34]

Falkus Knox[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Creates a sickle of blue light. [35]
Etymology: Unknown.

Februati Lumen[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Creates a 'pillar of sparkling light'. A high-level spell that takes a lot of magical power. Purification magic.[36]
Etymology: 'Februati' unknown. 'Lumen', from Latin, meaning 'light'.[23]

Flama Flamio[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Lights candles, and is a type of fire that doesn't burn.
Etymology: 'Flama', from Latin 'flamma', meaning 'flame'.[37] 'Flamio' Unknown.


Full Incantation: ?
Description: Creates fire. [38]
Etymology: Unknown.

Fumanum Dissipator[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Returns something to its original form.[19]
Etymology: 'Fumanum' Unknown. 'Dissipator', from Latin 'dissipo', meaning 'scatter'.[39]

Funus Captis[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Creates chains of light that wraps and entangles the target.
Etymology: 'Funus', from Latin, meaning 'funeral' or 'death'.[40] 'Captis', from Latin 'captus', from 'capio', meaning 'I take'.[41]

Furos Fiori[]

Full Incantation: "O light, cast thy rays and make this flower grow! 'Furos Fiori'!"
Description: Will make a certain area blossom with flowers. [42]
Etymology: 'Furos', from Latin 'furo', meaning 'I rage'.[43] 'Fiori', from Latin 'florem', from 'flos', meaning 'flower'.[44]


Full Incantation: ?
Description: Create fangs off ice to grab hold of the target feet. It spreads life-like across the floor and freezes the target's legs in place, making it unable to move.[45]
Etymology: Unknown.

Gratia Citius[]

Full Incantation:?
Description: Make objects move faster and on their "own" (according to the wizard's wish).[46]
Etymology: 'Gratia', from Latin 'gratus', meaning 'pleasing' or 'acceptable'.[47] 'Citius', from Latin 'cito', meaning 'quickly'.[48]

Globus Aqua[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Creates water balls.
Etymology: 'Globus', from Latin, meaning 'sphere'.[49] 'Aqua', from Latin, meaning 'water'.[14]

Globus Flau[]

Full Incantation: "O flames, invoke an inferno and engulf my enemies! 'Globus Flau'!" Or "O, flames! Turn everything to ash! 'Globus Flau'!"
Description: Throws fire balls.[33]
Etymology: 'Globus', from Latin, meaning 'sphere'.[49] 'Flau' Unknown.

Globus Knox[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Throws bullets of light at the enemy.
Etymology: 'Globus', from Latin, meaning 'sphere'.[49] 'Knox' Unknown.

Globus Lumen[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Creates rays of light, which form whips and attack.[33]
Etymology: 'Globus', from Latin, meaning 'sphere'.[49] 'Lumen', from Latin, meaning 'light'.[23]


Full Incantation: ?
Description: Creates a veil of sparkling particles that produce a sweet smell. [50]
Etymology: 'Halans', from Latin 'halo', meaning 'breathe' or 'be fragrant'.[49]

Inn manus taos commend spiritum meme[]

Full Incantation: "I entrust my soul into your hands. Inn manus taos commend spiritum meme."
Description: Sends Alter Ego back to the World of Mirror. First the alter ego and the real one must stand inside a magic circle, then another person must cast the spell and and give the real one a hug. If the one who cast the spell made the right choice the alter ego will disappear, however, if the wrong choice is made, the real one will disappear and the alter ego will take their place.[51]
Etymology: 'Inn' Unknown. Alternatively, 'in', from Latin, meaning 'in'.[52] 'Manus', from Latin, meaning 'hand'.[53] 'Taos' Unknown. Alternatively, 'taus', from Latin 'tuus', meaning 'your'.[54]'Commend', from Latin 'commendo', meaning 'I entrust to'.[55] 'Spiritum', from Latin 'spiritus', meaning 'spirit'.[56] 'Meme' Unknown. Alternatively, 'meum', from Latin 'meus', meaning 'me' or 'mine'.[57]

Invocation! (_)! / Invocatio (_)![]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Invoke Magical Creatures. The wizard must draw a magical circle, recite the incantation and afterwards the creature's name that will be invoked, e.g. "Invocation! Carbuncle!". The Magical Circle can be done beforehand in a paper or in a magical tool.[45]
Etymology: 'Invocatio', from Latin, meaning 'invocation'.[58]

Ira Egranteria[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Makes a slash of lightning. [35]
Etymology: 'Ira', from Latin, meaning 'ire'.[59] 'Egranteria' ?.

Ira Tonitrus[]

Full Incantation: "Oh lightning, I command thee to smite my foe! 'Ira Tonitrus'!"
Description: Creates a streak of lightning.[3]
Etymology: 'Ira', from Latin, meaning 'ire'.[59] 'Tonitrus', meaning 'thunder'.[60]

Kum Levelentia[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Removes a magical seal/circle.[15]
Etymology: Unknown.

Lamina Lumen[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Creates a blade of light like a boomerang.[38]
Etymology: 'Lamina', from Latin, meaning 'a thin sheet'.[61] 'Lumen', from Latin, meaning 'light'.[23]

Lana Puruit[]

An klausbd3 he Lana Puruit Frog

Lana Puruit Frog

Full Incantation: "Flood thy heart with kindness! 'Lana Puruit'!"
Description: This spell is a prank. Instead of making the target kinder to you, it summons a frog.[62]
Etymology: 'Lana', from Latin, meaning 'wool' or, alternatively, 'frog' ("rāna").[63] 'Puruit' comes from 'purus', meaning 'pure'.[64]

Lanterna Lumen[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Shines light over something in the darkness.
Etymology: 'Lanterna', from Latin, meaning 'lantern'.[65] 'Lumen', from Latin, meaning 'light'.[23]

Lepus Pes[]

Full Incantation:?
Description: Raises the swiftness of the individual the spell was cast upon.
Etymology: 'Lepus', from Latin, meaning 'hare'.[66] 'Pes', from Latin, meaning 'foot'.[67]

Levis Pullma[]

Full Incantation: "O power that resides within, lift that ____ and bring it to me! 'Levis Pullma!'" For Magical Cooking it was used: "O unseen wings, take me to the skies! 'Levis Pullma'!"[46]
Description: Lift subjects.[68]
Etymology: 'Levis', from Latin, meaning 'light' or 'not heavy'.[69] 'Pullma' Unknown.

Liber Ducere[]

Full Incantation: "Guide us into the writen world! 'Liber Ducere'!"
Description: Used to enter a book world.[70]
Etymology: 'Liber', from Latin, meaning 'book'.[71] 'Ducere', from Latin 'duco', meaning 'I lead' or 'I guide'.[72]


Full Incantation: "O Light, heed my call! 'Lumen'!"
Description: Creates light out of the caster's wand.[73]
Etymology: 'Lumen', from Latin, meaning 'light'.[23]


Full Incantation: ?
Description: Illuminates an area.[15]
Etymology: Unknown.

Lunae Papillio - Videre/Warae[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description:Reveals Moonlight Butterflies to one who cannot normally see them. It is an exhausting spell, and can only be done for a brief period of time. Once casting 'Lunae Papillio', from the wand thin threads of light appear and gradually grow thicker. The caster must approach the other person's eyes and say 'Videre' to finish the spell. Saying 'Warae' near the same person's eyes removes the spell and causes a faint burst of light.
Etymology: From Latin derivations: lūna (moon), palilio (butterfly), videō (to see, I see). From Japanese: Warae is a conjugation from Warau (to laugh), Warau itself derives from the verb Waru (to split, to break, to crack).[74][75]
Note: Some people are able to see the Moonlight Butterflies without any help, while with others it takes some training.[76]

Magia Flau[]

Full Incantation: "O great power, dwell within mine hand and form a shield! 'Magia Flau'!"
Description: Creates a shield of howling flames.
Etymology: 'Magia', from Latin, meaning 'magic'.[77] 'Flau', unknown.

Magia Kera[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Seals the magical power of the target.[78]
Etymology: 'Magia', from Latin, meaning 'magic'.[77] 'Kera', unknown.

Magia Reppero[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: When cast on an object (living things included) it reflects or disspells spells cast at it. However, it only lasts for an hour. [33]
Etymology: 'Magia', from Latin, meaning 'magic'.[77] 'Reppero', unknown.

Manu Fenibas[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Creates a pair of reins woven from light.
Etymology: 'Manu', from Latin 'manus', meaning 'hand'.[53] 'Fenibas', unknown.

Memoria Armitt-[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Erases Memory.
Etymology: 'Memoria', from Latin, meaning 'memory'.[79] 'Armitt', unknown.

Merum Terra[]

Full Incantation: "O earth, rumble in fury! 'Merum Terra'!"
Description: ?
Etymology: 'Merum', from Latin 'merus', meaning 'pure' or 'undiluted'.[80] 'Terra', from Latin, meaning 'ground'.[81]

Placide Somnus[]

Full Incantation: "Invite thy host into tranquil slumber. 'Placide Somnus'!"
Description: A crimson, fog-like mist that makes those who breathe it in fall asleep for a few hours.[82]
Etymology: 'Placide', from Latin 'placidus', from 'placeo', meaning 'calm'.[83] 'Somnus', from Latin, meaning 'sleep'.[84]

Pluie Filiole[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Colorful flower petals will jump out and rain down like snow from the ceiling.
Etymology: 'Pluie', from Latin, meaning 'rain'.[85] 'Filiole', from Latin 'filiolus', meaning 'young son'.[86]

Pulchra Fiorile[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Fills an area with sparkling fragments of light, which then explode and sprinkles down blossoming flowers.[87]
Etymology: 'Pulchra', from Latin 'pulcher', meaning 'beautiful'.[88] 'Fiorile', from Latin 'fiore', from 'florem', from 'flos', meaning 'flower'.[89]

Puroboros Knox[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: ? [35]
Etymology: Unknown.

Puroboros Lumen[]

Full Incantation: "O light, flatten all in your path! 'Puroboros Lumen'!"
Description: Creates an explosion of light.[33]
Etymology: 'Puroboros', Unknown. 'Lumen', from Latin, meaning 'light'.[23]

Quad Absconditum Fui. Ostendite Mihi Indentitas.[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Reveals hidden magical circles.[15]
Etymology: 'Quad', unknown. 'Absconditum', from Latin 'absconditus', meaning 'hidden'.[90] 'Fui', from Latin 'sum', meaning 'I am', 'I exist', and/or 'I have'.[91] 'Ostendite', from Latin 'ostendo', meaning 'I expose'.[92] 'Mihi', from Latin, meaning 'me' or 'my'.[93] 'Indentitas', unknown; alternatively, 'identitas', from Latin, means 'sameness'.[94]

Quines Ventos[]

Full Incantation: "O healing winds, carry my friend to safe harbor! Quine Ventos!"
Description: "Hold the patients firmly in place using Wind Magic while repositioning them to a safer place."[95]
Etymology: 'Quines', unknown. 'Ventos', from Latin 'ventus', meaning 'wind'.[2]

Quies Ventos[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Used to end wind spells.
Etymology: 'Quies', from Latin, meaning 'quiet'.[96] 'Ventos', from Latin 'ventus', meaning 'wind'.[2]


Full Incantation: ?
Description: It is a light element offensive spell. Rays of light materialize from the tip of the wand and can obliterate enemies in the blink of an eye. Used by Mel to defeat the magical creatures in the East Forest during Sigurd's Route.
Etymology: 'Radius', from Latin, meaning 'staff', or 'ray of light'.[97]


Full Incantation: ?
Description: It undoes/redirects subjects from invocation magic.[45]
Etymology: 'Redire', from Latin, meaning 'return'.[98]

(_) Reductio[]

Full Incantation: "O ___, I command you to shrink! '(_) Reductio'!"
Description: Causes an item to shrink in size.[19]
Etymology: 'Reductio', from Latin 'reduco', meaning 'bring back'.[99]

Ree Hora[]

Full Incantation: "Grant this water the power to turn back time! 'Ree Hora'!"
Description: Enchants Rejuvenating Water to turn back time when poured on something. [5]
Etymology: 'Ree', from Latin 'reus', meaning 'guilty'.[99] 'Hora', from Latin, meaning 'hour'.[100]

Roremi Ips Dro Si Skylar[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Removes a magical seal/circle.[15]
Etymology: Unknown.

Rune Exolnarre[]

Full Incantation: "O light, pour down upon this ____ (target object) and give it radiance! 'Rune Exolnarre'!
Description: It gathers light and makes the target object sparkle like a jewel.
Etymology: Unknown.

Sabo Aqua[]

Full Incantation: "O water, turn spherical in accordance with my command! Sabo Aqua!"
Description: Can make bubbles by using a water spell. A translucent bubble floats out of the wand and glides into the air. It can be moved around, but as soon as the wizard's concentration ends, the bubble will pop.[101]
Etymology: 'Sabo', Unknown. 'Aqua', from Latin, meaning 'water'.[14]

Sagitta Lumen[]

Full Incantation: "O sacred light, become a piercing arrow! 'Sagitta Lumen'!"
Description: Offensive magic that projects an arrow in the direction it's cast.[102]
Etymology: 'Sagitta', from Latin, meaning 'arrow'.[103] 'Lumen', from Latin, meaning 'light'.[23]

Sanatio Aqua[]

Full Incantation: "O sacred water, mend this wound with thy cleansing power. 'Sanatio Aqua'!"
Description: Uses the element of water to heal wounds. This magic prevents wounds infections, for it cleans the wound internally then it heals it.[104]
Etymology: 'Sanatio', from Latin 'sano', meaning 'heal'.[105] 'Aqua', from Latin, meaning 'water'.[14]

Sanatio Aura[]

Full Incantation: "O sacred wind, grant us a breeze and mend this wound! 'Sanatio Aura'!"
Description: Uses wind to heal superficial wounds. This healing spell does not prevent infections.[106]
Etymology: 'Sanatio', from Latin 'sano', meaning 'heal'.[105] 'Aura', from Latin, meaning 'air'.[107]

Scuntum Aqua / Scutum Aqua[]

Full Incantation: "O water, defend this being and become a shield! 'Scutum Aqua'!"
Description: Creates a water barrier.[38]
Etymology: 'Scutum', from Latin, meaning 'shield'.[108] 'Aqua', from Latin, meaning 'water'.[14]

Scuntum Ventos[]

Full Incantation: "O wind, form a wall and become a shield! 'Scutum Ventos'!"
Description: This spell creates a wind barrier that acts as a shield.[78]
Etymology: 'Scutum', from Latin, meaning 'shield'.[108] 'Ventos', from Latin 'ventus', meaning 'wind'.[2]

Scutum Knox[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: Makes a light barrier.
Etymology: 'Scutum', from Latin, meaning 'shield'.[108] 'Knox', unknown.

Scutum Lumen[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: This spell creates a barrier of light. [109]
Etymology: 'Scutum', from Latin, meaning 'shield'.[108] 'Lumen', from Latin, meaning 'light'.[23]

Scutum Obscuritas[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: This spell creates a green barrier of light. [110]
Etymology: 'Scutum', from Latin, meaning 'shield'.[108] 'Obscuritas', from Latin, meaning 'darkness'.[111]

Stella Transvolans[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: As part of her prefect trial in Zeus's route, Liz uses this spell to open a music box owned by Rembrandt. The spell has to be uttered by two people in the same breath, using the same tone and modulation or else it won't work. [112]
Etymology: 'Stella', from Latin, meaning 'star'.[113] 'Transvolans', from Latin 'transvolo', meaning 'fly over/across'.[114]


Full Incantation: ?
Description: Ends spells.[115]
Etymology: 'Subsiste', from Latin 'subsistere', from 'subsisto', meaning 'stop'.[116]

Supasaman Mundi[]

Full Incantation: "I command thee to return to thine true form! 'Supasaman Mundi'!"
Description: Creates an arrow of light that dispells spells, and returns subjects summoned from a magical book. The subject glows brightly, then slowly fades until it vanishes from sight.[7]
Etymology: 'Supasaman', unknown. 'Mundi', from Latin 'mundus', meaning 'pure'.[117]


Full Incantation: ?
Description: A taboo dark magic that most humans can't use. If it is used, it can have many side effects, one of which possibly being death. It creates a purplish black lightning bolt. [118]
Etymology: 'Tenebrae', from Latin, meaning 'darkness'.[119]

(_) Teleporter[]

Full Incantation: "O ___, I command thee to teleport! '___ Teleporter'!"
Description: Teleports something to a desired location.[38]
Etymology: Unknown.

Transeo Hora[]

Full Incantation: "Grant this water the power to advance time! 'Transeo Hora'!"
Description: ?
Etymology: 'Transeo', from Latin, meaning 'go across'.[120] 'Hora', from Latin, meaning 'hour'.[100]

Turbo Ventos[]

Full Incantation: "Rise, O winds of fury, and unleash a vortex. 'Turbo Ventos'!"
Description: Creates a tiny tornado with wind magic.[62]
Etymology: 'Turbo', from Latin 'turba', meaning 'tornado'.[121] 'Ventos', from Latin 'ventus', meaning 'wind'.[2]

Ungra Ventos[]

Full Incantation: ?
Description: ? [35]
Etymology: 'Ungra', unknown. 'Ventos', from Latin 'ventus', meaning 'wind'.[2]


Full Incantation: ?
Description: Creates a whirlpool of water. [122]
Etymology: Unknown.


Full Incantation: "O wind, scatter all before you! 'Ventaron'!" [123]
Description: It was used by Sigurd to pin the Torado Sol Decorations to the walls of the academy.
Etymology: Unknown.


Full Incantation: ?
Description: Conjures wind.[124]
Etymology: 'Ventos', from Latin 'ventus', meaning 'wind'.[2]


Full Incantation: ?
Description: Creates a large, transparent barrier around an area.[125]
Etymology: 'Vitrum', from Latin, meaning 'glass'.[126]

Wideo Procle[]

Full Incantation: "I command thee, reveal lands far away! 'Wideo Procle'!" or "O mirror... I command thee, reveal lands far away! 'Wideo Procle'!"
Description: Displays faraway places on a still surface of water after a Tear of Spectrum is placed inside,[122] or on the surface of the Mirror of Procle.
Etymology: 'Wideo', from Latin 'video', meaning 'I see'.[127] 'Procle', unknown.

Whirlus Aqua[]

Full Incantation: "Become a blade and slice my enemy! Whirlus Aqua!"
Description: ?[95]
Etymology: 'Whirlus', unknown. 'Aqua', from Latin, meaning 'water'.[14]

Whirlus Ventos[]

Full Incantation:?
Description: Creates a whirlwind.
Etymology: 'Whirlus', unknown. 'Ventos', from Latin 'ventus', meaning 'wind'.[2]


Amore Calceous[]

Incantation: "Amore Calceous."
Object: A pair of shoes with bright red ribbons attached.
Action: Put the shoes on, recite the incantation, then think about the target of your affection, while tapping the shoes together three times. After saying the incantation, wave your wand. A light will appear and the magic will be imbued into the shoes.
Description: ?
Etymology: 'Amore', from Latin 'amor', meaning 'love'.[128] 'Calceous' unknown; alternatively, 'Calceus', from Latin, means 'shoe'.[129]

Magness Amata[]

Incantation: "Magness Amata."
Objects: A magnet and some vegetable oil.
Action: Place a drop of oil on the magnet, hold the wand, wave and recite the incantation. The oil begins to glow and spreads across the magnet’s surface; a moment later, the light and oil vanish, meaning the magnet has absorbed its properties. The magnet then should be kept at all times with the one who cast it.
Description: It makes the person of love interest keeps appearing near the one who cast it. It should be effective for about two hours.[130]
Etymology: 'Magness', unknown. 'Amata', from Latin 'amatus', from 'amo', meaning 'love'.[131]


Incantation: "Quinsud."
Object: Tea cup and tea.
Action: Place the tea in the cup then wave the wand and recite the incantation. Tiny particles of light floats from the wand and fills the cup.
Description: This charm is said to make tea taste better and more aromatic.[132]
Etymology: Unknown.

Valshal Fuluree[]

Full Incantation:"Bestow courage and fortune on this soul. Valshal Fuluree."
Object: ?
Action: ?
Description:This charm is said to give good luck.[133]
Etymology: Unknown.


As the name of most spellsinging songs were not mentioned, a short version of its description are used instead.


Incantation: "Irven menruf suriu muekal ruheba suro..."
Description: Makes it rain.[30]


Incantation: "Briowhio sumirop... Acriadon sunodo riokmus rimeamo. Riokmus rimeamo..."
Description: Erases someone's memory.[134]

Rose Petals

Incantation: "Vere ac libere loquere... si vis amari, ama... audentem forsque venusque iuvat."
Description: Glowing rose petals of diverse colors fall from the sky.[135]
Etymology: From Latin, the lyric translation can be: "Truth and liberty speak... if you want to be loved, lov... venture, for Venus('Love') might help." "Audentem forsque venusque iuvat" is a phrase from Ovid and have received diverse translations because of the tricky words "forsque" and "venusque". "Fors" + "que" means "chance" but in a sense of "possibility", while Venus is the Roman goddess whose functions encompassed love etc.[136][137]


Incantation: "Luunru snock eskropei..."
Description: Conjures strands of light.[138]


Incantation Definition
“天の磐門を押披きて天の八重雲を(Ame no iwatowo oshihirakite ameno yaegumo wo)!!” Propels a gale of razor-sharp winds towards its targets. It can creates cyclones.
“忘却(Bo-kyaku)” Bōkyaku ("忘却") means "forgetting". Is a spell used to erase memories.[139]
“一二三四五六七八九十布留部由良由良止布留部 (Hito futami yoitsumu nanaya kokonotari, hurube, yura yura to hurube)…” With the help of a magical circle it summons a Nue. [140]
  1. “生魂 足魂 玉留魂 (Namatama, tarutama, tamata marutama.)...”,
  2. “天常立尊 国常立尊 (Amenotoko tachinomikoto, kunino tachinomikoto)...”
  3. “...荒振神等をば神問はしに問賜い(Arahuru kamitachiwoba kamutohashini towashitamai)!”
With the help of a magical circle, those 3 spells together creates a translucent magic, forming a glass-like wall around the target.
“皇御祖神伊邪那岐大神 (Sumemio yakamu Izanagi no ookami)!!” A blaze of fire gushes forth and unleashes a conflagration that sears towards its target.
“八百萬の神達共に聞食せと恐み恐み申す(Yawoyorodu no kamitachi tomoni kikoshimeseto kashikomi kashikomi mousu)!!” The painted letters in the air crackles with searing heat and then discharge in a bolt of lightning that race towards its target.
"炎(En)!" Creates a blaze of fire.[141]
"縛(Baku)." Traps a person in place, unable to so much as blink.[142]
"封 (Fu)!" Forms a crystalline wall around a target.[140]
"雹(Hyo)!" Creates and launches a spear of ice at the target.[140]


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