Wizardess Heart Wikia

Basic Information[]

Writing System[]

Hinomoto does not share the same writing system as Gedonelune. Instead, it uses kanji, which are symbols that represent words and concepts, as well as hiragana and katakana. The rules of the writing system in-universe are unknown.

General Vocabulary[]


  • だんご (Dango): A marshmallow dessert.
  • コンペと (Konpeito): Star-shaped candy.
  • ひのまい (Hinomai): Rice.


  • ぬえ (Nue): A shadowy, power-hungry creature that tricks people into contracts.


  • そめぎ (Somegi): A traditional outfit.


The following are full incantations unless otherwise noted.

  • 印。結。(In. Ketsu): This is for sending a shikigami/familiar to find someone.
  • ことだま (Kotodama): Repeating words so they can come true. There is no specific incantation. Kotodama can be either good luck jinxes or turn into curses.
  • 封 (Fu): Used to create barriers.
  • 一ニ三四五六七八九十、布留部。。由良由良止布留部 (Hito futami yoitsumu. Nanaya kokonotari, furube... yura yura to furube): This is used to summon Nues or draw them out of their host's shadow.
  • 炎 (En): Used to summon flames.

Kanji Dictionary[]

Kanji Romaji Meaning Use Translator Notes
Ame Rain Used to summon rain
In Stamp, evidence
Ketsu Tie, bind
En Flames Used to summon fire
Fu Seal Used to create a barrier or trap